Truly the most epic gamer in every multiverse. He speaks English and is a guy who likes the number 4.

He created most of Speedwagon's Stuff by using [W3Schools] as a reference.

Straight Facts
  • He was born on [REDACTED] and has since become a very epic gamer.
  • He would go to the ends of the earth to not be recognized on the internet, however he does have a YouTube channel.
  • His username's initials are EG because he is an Epic Gamer.
  • His username was originally english_guy4, and then englishguy4, and now we have EnglishGuy4.
  • EnglishGuy4 means that he is a guy who speaks English, and 4 is just a random number because english_guy was taken when he signed up for Steam.
  • EnglishGuy4 is now Speedwagon due to an in-joke and some attachment issues.
  • Speedwagon can be shortened to Speed if its too long to say/write.
  • They are a part of the Today's Sponsor group.
  • The name "Kneeko" was actually suggested by 4vul after "Niko" was taken.
Past usernames

Here is a list of all known usernames in the past:

  • monkeyman2006 (Scratch)
  • joshieman2006rules (Roblox)
  • The Companion Cube (Steam)
  • This Companion Cube Loves You (Steam)
  • This Companion Cube Hates You (Steam)
  • The Potato Person (Steam)
  • Rolfies5 (Minecraft)
  • The Creeper (Xbox)
  • english_guy4
  • EnglishGuy4
  • English Guy4
  • EnglishGuy (Nintendo)
  • ROL0011 (School)
  • Speedwagon (Discord)
  • Kneeko (Discord)